Stories to Tell

What do you expect to see in a science fiction story? What exactly is science fiction anyway? Science fiction (or sci-fi) is a genre used to describe a type of story. As applied to Trackers, the "sci-fi" is not only the backdrop for the series, but also a conduit for the portrayal of the unfolding stories. The team needs the rifts and parallel worlds where these stories occur. Of course, there are no known "rifts" or parallel worlds. Certainly, we do not possess the technology to transport entire crews to locations which are not known to exist! This is the first of the two sci-fi elements of Trackers. The second would be breakthroughs in locating displaced air and sea craft and Daniel's unique methods for helping people find their way back to their respective home worlds. Thus, the tagline for Trackers is "Search and Rescue Beyond the Bermuda Triangle".

The second genre, adventure, is present on the parallel worlds. This is the heart of Trackers. Reflections of events on our world and our actions and reactions in response to the events are portrayed through the characters. (And, as mentioned in a previous post, the civilizations on these worlds are scrambled as compared to ours.) Every single element of Trackers has its significance. To ignore the relationships of the team members to one another would be an egregious error and would depersonalize the entire series. It would also rob the tracking project of its meaning.

The best writings I have ever read in books or watched on large or small screen (including sci-fi stories) have depth and venture into territories some writers may be reluctant to tread upon. These stories and their writers serve as models and inspirations to other writers.

Now, we find ourselves with stories to tell, It is our hope that south Florida (and the talent I know is present here) will join us in the fulfilling endeavor of bringing these stories to life on the web.


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