Somber Reflections

In 2003, the idea for Trackers came to me spontaneously, followed by the main characters. I almost didn't write it at all and didn't start serious development until 2007.

Perhaps it's the culmination of my decades-long fascination with the Bermuda Triangle as well as with other magnetic anomalies found on this planet, over our oceans. These anomalies are thought to sometimes result in "disappearances" of planes or boats.

For some reason, the Bermuda Triangle seems the most notorious with the numbers of lost air and sea craft recorded as well as reports of unusual phenomena which are matters of public record. Many books and documentaries on the subject (along with the various theories as to what may have happened) are readily available. As a Florida resident for fifteen years, I find it almost impossible to believe anything of such magnitude could happen in such a spectacularly beautiful and serene location as the Caribbean. Almost.

Trackers merely seeks to imagine what happened to these lost boats and planes. And, because on parallel worlds, no one knows the extent of the possibilities, I have settled upon scrambled civilizations as backdrops for each plot.

What troubles me are the real life disappearances of not one, but two commercial airliners in the Pacific. The fate of the missing Malaysian airliner and its crew and passengers remains unsolved, therefore, families of the missing are left in the dark and without closure. In the case of the Air Asia Indonesia flight, my heart sank upon learning it did indeed crash. My prayers are with the families and friends of the victims of this tragedy.

In cases of unexplained missing planes or unexplained plane crashes, fictional physicist Daniel Kelvin would point to atmospheric rifts, possible multiple displacements, shadow coordinates, or possibly underwater rifts.

The bottom line is: Many remain missing. As a writer, I handed Doctor Kelvin the conviction that these lost planes and boats are NOT GONE. We share the hope that everyone is safe...somewhere.


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